




「2025年、こんな年にしたい!」 「今年一年、もっと星のパワーを活用したい!」 そんな方におすすめな年末年始限定のスペシャルセッション。公式LINE先行募集が大好評につき、一般募集を開始しました! 大晦日に起きた山羊座新月も合わさった特別な一年の始まり。L’Ascendente(アセンデンテ)の占星術家たちによるパーソナルセッションで、星のエネルギーを活用してあなただけの2025年を描きましょう。 この機会をお見逃しなく! 【セッションメニュー】 初詣運開きセッション:...


ブルーマウンテンズ在住・Panda提供 一年前に起きた能登半島地震への支援として、昨年2月に英語版New Moon Calendarをチャリティー販売いたしました。 ご報告が大変遅くなりましたが、皆様からいただいた英語版New Moonカレンダーの売り上げ全額(手数料を除く$184.97)を、オーストラリアのNSW日本領事館を通して日本赤十字社に被災地への義援金として寄付いたしました。 カレンダーをご購入くださった皆様、誠にありがとうございました。...


2025年は、あなたにとってどんな年になる? トランジットやプログレスが語る、あなたオリジナルの運勢予想図を描いてみませんか? こんにちは「星をみかたに 未来をつくる」L'Ascendenteテック担当のPandaことAkikoです。占星術家のためのスキルアップセミナーを開いたり、アプリやソフトなどコンピューター関係のお困りごとを相談できるTech Cafeを運営しています。 私も愛用している占星術ソフトSolar...

Know yourself and know your surroundings
Free Video Lecture "My Elements"

My Elements Free Course

This video series allows you to learn about the four elements, the foundation of astrology, as a tool you can use in your daily life.
This is a completely free video course with 5 videos and worksheets.
Know your element and use it in your relationships and work!

New Columns

The rhythm of nature, the movement of the stars,
Living in the future with the wisdom of universality as a guidepost
More boldly and lightly "on your own axis

Message from LAsendenete

In these uncertain times, many of you are probably feeling unsure of your path or business policy.

But it is in these moments that you have the chance to create your future and make it shine.

What dreams and goals do you have for the rest of your life?

L'Ascendente is here to guide you through astrology to find clues to your own shining future and take the first steps into a new adventure.

L'Ascendente is Italian for "ascendant.

In astrology, it is also the starting point of the horoscope, meaning the place where things begin.

The Ascendant is the place we must pass through when we go out into the outside world.

We will shine a light on the place and give those who are spreading their wings in the big world the most powerful tools to accompany them on their journey.

We at Ascendente want to be such a place.

What is our idea of astrology?

Our thoughts

It is a waste to use astrology only for "it hits" or "it doesn't hit.

Astrology can be more fun and enrich your life, depending on how you use it.

Live with the stars and live a life of contentment."

This is the lifestyle we advocate.

Know the possibilities

There are paths that open up when you know your potential.


Astrology is not only a forecast, but a means of building a life through one's own choices.

The stars give us information about possibilities and biorhythms of which we are unaware, and we design our lives by incorporating this information.

This freedom of choice is the true meaning of our "Hoshi wo mikata ni shaping the future.

Let's walk together with the stars on a more personal life journey.

Make the stars your ally

Don't be at the mercy of the stars, but let the stars be your guide.


The stars bring brilliance to our lives and guide us on our journey into the unknown.
However, I believe that we humans have "free will" as much as the guidance of the stars, and that the desire to "do this" is valued above all else.

The way of life of "Create the future with the stars as your guide" values the information obtained from the constellations and celestial alignments, but it is up to you, the main actor of your life, to interpret it and how you will accept it.

We want to share with you the beauty of receiving messages from the stars and being proactively involved in your own life.


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